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地址: 湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区光谷一路206号


E-mail: [email protected]


2006.09 – 2010.06,中科院武汉物理与数学研究所(现中科院精密测量科学与技术创新研究院),分析化学,博士研究生

2003.09 – 2006.06,沈阳药科大学,天然药物化学,硕士研究生

1999.09 – 2003.06,沈阳药科大学,药学,学士


2020.12 –至今,武汉工程大学极速赛车 /药物研究院,副教授






1. 何首乌多酚清除内源性甲醛的标志性代谢物检测及动力学研究,湖北省自然科学基金,2014.01-2015.12,3万元,主持,已结题

2. 低分子肝素钠NMR鉴定法复核,中国食品药品检定研究院,2020.09-2021.04,6万元,主持,已结题

3. 茶多酚清除活性羰基物质作用的慢性疾病预防机制研究,茶树生物学国家重点实验室开放课题,2019.12-2021.11,4万元,主持,已结题

4. 基于NMR的抗疟疾药物-血红素复合物的结构-功能研究,波谱与原子分子国家重点实验室开放课题,2011.01-2013.12,3万元,主持,已结题

5. 基于NMR的高效药物初筛技术,2014.04-2016.04,东湖高新区3551人才计划,60万元,参与,已结题

6. 高稳定性三七皂苷注射液的研制,2015.12-2017.12,横向课题,10万元,主持,已结题


国家药典委质量标准咨询专家(NMR方向),湖北省晶体学会理事,湖北省司法鉴定人。以第一作者和通讯作者在Chinese Journal of ChemistryAnalystJournal of EthnopharmacologyLWT等国际期刊发表论文十余篇, 担任Analytical Chemistry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Analytical Methods, Current Pharmacetical Analysis等杂志审稿人。


1.Bi T, Tian Y, Zhou D, Wang X. Jiang H*. Green tea marinades can reduce formaldehyde of pan-fried pork via Mannich reaction mechanism. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2024, 197, 115886.

2.Liu L, Li J, Lv J, Jiang H*. Chen F-E. Detoxification mechanism of vinegar-processed Kansui revealed by systematic phytochemical analysis using UPLC-DAD-MS, UPLC-HR-MS and in silico drug target identification. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2022, 36(17), e9332.

3.Wan H, Tian Y, Jiang H*, Zhang X, Ju X. A NMR-based drug screening strategy for discovering active substances from herbal medicines: Using Radix Polygoni Multiflori as example. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2020, 254(1) , 112712.

4.Wan H, Chen H, Chu Y, Ju X, Jiang H*.Structure characterization and optical properties investigation of four main components in classical phenazinium dye Safranin O. Analyst , 2019, 144(24), 7149-7156

5. Jiang H, Cai N, Ju, X, Huang J, Wang X. Investigation of serum amino acids involved in gallic acid detoxification of formaldehyde by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry and neutral loss scan. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2018, 32(23), 2074-2080.

6. Jiang H, Cai N, Wang C, Chen H, Zou J, Ju X. A new prepolymer of resol phenol–formaldehyde resin. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2015, 53(12), 1080-1082.

7. Jiang H, Chen H, Cai N, Zou J, Ju X. Quantitative 31P‐NMR spectroscopy for the determination of fosfomycin and impurity A in pharmaceutical products of fosfomycin sodium or calcium. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2015, 53(6), 454-459.

8. Jiang H, Zhang Y, Yang K,& Zou J. Validation of a LC–MS Method for the Determination of Urea Contamination in Market Teas. Food analytical methods, 2014, 7(1), 13-20.

9. Jiang H, Zhang Y, Chen X, Lv J, Zou J. Simultaneous determination of pentachlorophenol, niclosamide and fenpropathrin in fishpond water using an LC-MS/MS method for forensic investigation. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5(1), 111-115.

10.Jiang H, Zou J. Identification of new stilbenoids–formaldehyde adducts by isotope labeling and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. European Food Research and Technology, 2013, 236(3), 425-434.

11.Jiang H, Fang H, Jiang L, Zheng L, Wang N, Zheng A, ... Liu M. Isomeric effect on H/D Exchange of resveratrol studied by NMR spectroscopy. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2010, 28(11), 2281-2286.

12. 江海鹏,刘买利,巨修练, 基于NMR的天然产物活性成分筛选. 中国药学会第18届中药与天然药物研讨会,2018,分会报告。
