
极速赛车  >  师资队伍  >  教师名录  >  化工系  >  智能化工教研室  >  教授  >  正文




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2003.092008.06 华中科技大学 化学与化工极速赛车 高分子化学与物理专业,博士学位

1999.092003.06 华中科技大学 化学与化工极速赛车 化学工程与工艺专业,学士学位

                华中科技大学 计算机科学与技术专业,双学士学位         


2008.072013.01  兰州大学化学化工极速赛车 高分子科学与工程研究所,讲师

2014.072015.07  澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University) 化工系,国家公派访问学者

2013.02    至今  武汉工程大学 极速赛车 化工系,讲师、副教授、教授






1.    国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(21202076

2.    教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20110211120015

3.    湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2014CFB783

4.    国家基础科学人才培养基金-能力提高项目子项目(J1103307

5.    中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目2项(2022009zr0115)和(2022013zr0197

6.    武汉工程大学科学研究基金项目2项(K201436)和(K201753


1.    教育部“产学合作协同协人”项目3项(201802086019202002013037202101206022

2.    湖北高校省级教学研究项目1项(2018337

3.    武汉工程大学校级教学研究项目2项(X2013027X2021003


1.        Yun Xiong, Niyan Deng, Xiaoyu Wu, Quan Zhang,Shengpeng Liu, Guofeng Sun. De novo synthesis of amino-functionalized ZIF-8nanoparticles: Enhanced interfacial compatibility and pervaporation performancein mixed matrix membranes applying for ethanol dehydration. Separation andPurification Technology, 2022, 285, 120321.

2.        Ji Zhou, Dan Liu, YunXiong*, Yuksel Akinay. A novel approach to preparepolyaniline/polypyrrole@Cu-BTC/NH2-MIL-101(Fe) MOFs for electromagneticwave absorption. Ceramics International, 2020, 46(12), 19758-19766.

3.        Ji Zhou, Dan Liu,Fengshou Wu, Lixia Yang, Yun Xiong*,Amirali Abbasi. A DFT study on thepossibility of embedding a single Ti atom into the perfect stanene monolayer asa highly efficient gas sensor. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2020, 139(3), 46.         

4.        Ji Zhou, Dan Liu,Fengshou Wu, Yun Xiong*, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf. Synthesis ofSCMNPs@imine/SO3H magnetic nanocatalyst by chlorosulfonic acid as sulfonatingagents and their application for the preparation of12-aryl-8,9,10,12-tetrahydrobenzo[a]xanthen-11-one and1,8-dioxooctahydroxanthene derivatives. Materials Research Express, 2020,7(1), 015801.

5.        Ji Zhou, Dan Liu,Fengshou Wu, Yun Xiong*, Fatima Rashid Sheykhahmad. MNPs@AMTT/Cu(II): aheterogeneous and reusable magnetic nanocatalyst for the synthesis2-amino-3-cyanopyridine and a,a’-bis (substituted-benzylidene)cycloalkanone derivatives under solvent-free conditions. Materials ResearchExpress, 2019, 6(10), 105086.

6.        Yun Xiong, Zifu Li, Guilong Feng, Hong Wang, HuibiXu, Xiangliang Yang, Yajiang Yang. Self-assembly of gelators confined withinthe nano-scale interlayer space of organo-montmorillonite. Physical ChemistryChemical Physics, 2008, 10(43), 6479-6482.

7.        Yun Xiong, Qingyao Liu, Hong Wang, Yajiang Yang.Self-assembly of a dialkylurea gelator in organic solvents in the presence ofcentrifugal and shearing forces. Journal of Colloid andInterface Science, 2008, 318(2), 496-500.

8.        Yun Xiong, Qingyao Liu, Zifu Li, Hong Wang, YajiangYang. Reaction-type gelators of 2,4-bis(N'-alkylureido)toluenederivatives and the organogel formation at room temperature. Acta ChimicaSinica, 2008, 66 (3), 391-397.

9.        Yun Xiong, Hong Wang, Jin Lei, Guilong Feng, ShengzuZhang, Yajiang Yang. Selective adsorption of D- and L-phenylalanineon the imprinted polymerized organogel membranes. Acta Chimica Sinica,2009, 67 (5), 442-446.

10.    Yun Xiong, Xu Zhang, Mingzhu Liu. Effect ofCrosslinker Type on the Properties of Surface-crosslinked Poly(sodium acrylate)Superabsorbents. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 936, 89-94.

11.    Yun Xiong, Xu Zhang, Mingzhu Liu.Surface-crosslinked Guar Gum-g-Sodium Polyacrylate Superabsorbents: SwellingCharacteristics and Mechanics Performance. Applied Mechanics and Materials,2015, 729, 39-46.

12.    Guilong Feng, YunXiong, Hong Wang, Yajiang Yang. Gelation of microemulsions and releasebehavior of sodium salicylate from gelled microemulsions. European Journalof Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 2009, 71, 297-302.

13.    Guilong Feng, YunXiong, HongWang, Yajiang Yang. Cyclic voltammetry investigation ofdiffusion of ferrocene within propylene carbonate organogel formed by gelator. ElectrochimicaActa, 2008, 53, 8253-8257.

14.    XiaojieShang, Yun Xiong, Yuexia Zhang, Lei Zhang, Zhongquan Liu. Pd(II)-CatalyzedDirect Olefination of Arenes with Allylic Esters and Ethers. Synlett,2012, 23, 259-262.

15.    Lu Zhao, Yun Xiong,Mingzhu Liu, Xiaohua Qi. Study on superabsorbent of maleic anhydride/acrylamidesemi-interpenetrated with poly(vinyl alcohol). Polymers for AdvancedTechnologies, 2010, 21(7), 483-489.

16.    Yajun Wang, Jinxi Wang,Yun Xiong, Zhong-Quan Liu. I2O5-mediatedbromohydroxylation and dibromination of olefins using KBr in water.Tetrahedron Letters, 2014, 55, 2734-2737.

17.    Shaoyu Lü, Chunmei Gao, Xiubin Xu, Xiao Bai, Haogang Duan, NannanGao, Chen Feng, Yun Xiong, Mingzhu Liu. Injectable and Self-HealingCarbohydrate-Based Hydrogel for Cell Encapsulation. ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces, 2015, 7 (23), 13029-13037.

18.    Rongjun Song, Lina Liu,Dongwan Yan, Yun Xiong, Chaoen Li. Amethod for the direct growth ofcarbon nanotubes on macroscopic carbonsubstrates. Journal of MaterialsScience, 2016, 51 (5), 2330-2337.

19.    Chunmei Gao, Shaoyu Lü, Mingzhu Liu, Can Wu, Yun Xiong. CO2-switchablefluorescence of a dendritic polymer and its applications, Nanoscale,2016, 8, 1140-1146.

20.    Jun Chen, Mingzhu Liu,Wei Chen, Naiyan Zhang, Siying Zhu, Shaopeng Zhang, Yun Xiong.Synthesis, Swelling and Drug-Release Behaviour of a Poly(N,N-diethylacrylamide-co-(2-dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate) Hydrogel. Journal of BiomaterialsScience–Polymer Edition, 2011, 22, 1049-1068.

21.  熊芸,蔡师,陈新,曾祖操,孙国锋,刘生鹏.基于UiO-66混合基质膜的制备与气体分离性能研究.化工新型材料,202149(4)67-71

22.    熊芸,陈新,张静,邓妮艳,张权,刘生鹏,孙国锋.BiOBr/UiO-66-(COOH)2复合材料制备及光催化性能研究.无机盐工业,202153(12)150-155


2014 校工会优秀工会积极分子。

2015 “东华科技-三井化学杯第九届全国大学生化工设计大赛二等奖(第二指导教师)。         

2016 第一届全国“互联网+化学反应工程”课模设计大赛二等奖(第一指导教师)。         

2016 中国石油和化工教育科学研究成果三等奖、武汉工程大学优秀班主任、极速赛车 青年教师标兵。

2017 湖北省第十届大学生化学(化工)学生创新成果报告会二等奖(第一指导教师)。         

2018 湖北省科技进步三等奖、湖北省第八届教学成果二等奖、武汉工程大学十佳班主任、武汉工程大学优秀工会积极分子、极速赛车 青年教师授课大赛二等奖。

2019 中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步三等奖、武汉工程大学优秀共产党员、武汉工程大学百佳导师

2020 中国石油和化工教育教学成果一等奖、武汉工程大学教学成果特等奖和二等奖、武汉工程大学优秀班主任、武汉工程大学首届教师教学创新大赛二等奖

2021 全国石油和化工教育青年教学名师、全国高等院校化工类专业教师课程思政能力大赛一等奖、教育部“产学合作协同育人项目”优秀项目案例、武汉工程大学教学优秀一等奖、、


王存文,吴广文主编,熊芸,刘少文副主编. 化工设计,化学工业出版社,20151月第1.
